Personal Settings

See how you can tweak personal settings

Personal Settings

How to adjust personal settings

Personal settings allow you to tweak your profile settings. Moving further, let us take a look at how it works. First navigate to:

  1. Sign in to and go to 'Settings' in the Menu Panel.

  2. Click 'Personal Settings' to view your personal account settings. Here you can edit the following:

    1. Profile picture

    2. First name

    3. Last name

    4. Date format

    5. Country

    6. Timezone

    7. Currency

    8. Company name

    9. Email

    10. Phone

    11. Password

  3. Click 'Save' to confirm the changes.

How to Delete your account?

error icon
Please be aware that once you delete your account, all of your personal information and customer data will be irretrievably lost and the account will not be recoverable.
  1. Find the Delete User section below for deleting a user profile. Select a reason by checking one of the 3 options provided. If none of those apply, specify your reason in the Other text field.

  2. Enter your password in the "Password" field to confirm deletion.

  3. Once the password is entered, click the 'Delete' button.

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