
See how the integrations work

Direct Integrations

Easily connect with your favorite platforms using our direct integrations.

  1. Sign in to and go to 'Settings' in the Menu Panel.

  2. Click 'Integrations' tab.

  3. Under Apps Setup, you’ll find available integrations for:

    • GloriaFood

    • Square

    • Shopify POS

    • Lightspeed POS

  4. Click Install on your desired integration and follow the steps to complete the setup.

Custom Integrations

Use the API key provided here to integrate a third-party app and connect any platform with

  1. Sign in to and go to 'Settings' in the Menu Panel.

  2. Click 'Integrations' tab. Here you'll see:

    1. Your current Plan

    2. Integrations Available

    3. API Key

  3. Use your "API key" to integrate with third-party apps. Click the 'Copy' button to copy the API key.

    info icon
    Refer to the API documentation for more information.

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